Friday, 10 March 2017

Positively Happy - Hello Spring

As we head into the spring of 2017 the overall condition of the course looks very healthy. Fortunately we have had a very mild winter which has produced some very good conditions, but also some not so good conditions. The mild conditions gave us very aggressive and almost unstoppable disease outbreaks, yet the relatively dry weather has prevented vast amounts of damage developing from machinery and golfer traffic.
This has also been assisted by the recent introduction of new paths to help limit damage, particularly for staff machinery and buggies. 

Some of the older paths are looking a bit tired and some attention will be made on these in the future. 

The fusarium scars are now starting to shows signs of recovery as grass has begun to develop and spread. This is positive news and is far better than was expected so eary into the new year. you can see from these pictures that the grass is slowly growing through the scars.

lets keep our fingers crossed that the wet and cold weather is behind us.